Guitar Technical Services
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Contact Peter Allen

In line with UK law for websites: This is Peter Allen's Address:

3 Woodway Avenue

Hampton Magna

NR Warwick

CV35 8SB

United Kingdom

It is important that you do NOT visit without

a prior appointment.

This will avoid embarrassment for both parties.

As a measure to avoid bots the 'contact form'  has been taken down:   This has been done to prevent spam.

Please contact Peter Allen at:  

If you are copying the typed email address    guitar_technical_services [at]   please:

         Substitute the [at] with the proper @ sign

         Then only remove the spaces either side of the [at] sign

You now have Peter's email address. No need to remove the 'underscore marks' - just leave them in place.

Thank you for your patience.


Telephone Contact Number:    Warwick  UK   @   01926- 499012

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Copyright Information:

Images and articles on this website are the property of Peter Allen and protected under UK copyright laws. The copying, downloading, and saving items as digital files for printing, manipulation or reproduction without the prior written permission of Peter Allen is strictly forbidden and would constitute a breach of copyright.

Please note that since June 2011 'copyright snapshots' of this website have been taken as part of copyright protection. All Rights Reserved.